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Biographies & programs



Julia Hagenmüller


First Round

Yuna Kim

South Korea

Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Franz Schubert

Im Frühling D 882 (Schulze)

Mio ben ricordati D 688 (Metastasio)

Ludwig v. Beethoven

Mailied Op.52 (Goethe)

Robert Schumann

Myrthen, Op.25

1. Widmung (Rückert)

7. Die Lotosblume (Heine)

Franz Liszt

Oh, quand je dors S 282  (Hugo)

Hugo Wolf

Spanisches Liederburch

36. Bedeckt mich mit Blumen (Maria de Ceo/Geibel)

Edward Grieg

Die verschwiegene Nachtigall (Walter v. der Vogelweide)

Ein Schwan (Ibsen)

Henri Duparc


1. L'invitation au voyage (Baudelaire)

4. Extase (Lahor)

9. Chanson triste (Lahor)

Emile Paladilhe

Psyché (Corneille)

Ivor Gurney

Five Elizabethan Songs

2. Tears (Anonymous)

4. Sleep (Fletscher)

Erich W. Korngold

Four Shakespeare Songs, Op.31

2. Under the greenwood tree

4. When birds do sing

Richard Strauss

Drei Lieder der Ophelia, Op.76 (Shakespeare/Simrock)

1. Wie erkenn' ich mein Treulieb


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For more audio/video and photo, visit the Gallery page.

Julia Hagenmüller


Year of birth:


The  soprano Julia Sophie Hagenmüller studied school music, history and  singing pedagogy in Frankfurt. This was followed by a master's degree in  singing in Düsseldorf. Master classes with Dorothee Mields, Jörg  Dürmüller and Simone Kermes provided further inspiration.

As  a soloist, she gives concerts primarily in the song and oratorio genres  and maintains a lively chamber music concert activity in the fields of  early and new music. She also sang in ensembles such as Kammerchor  Stuttgart, Vocalensemble Rastatt, Chorwerk Ruhr, Schola of the Berliner  Rundfunkchor, WDR-Rundfunkchor and in the opera choir of the Wuppertal  Opera. She is co-founder of the Rheinstimme Ensemble, with which she was  engaged at the Cologne Opera, the Bavarian State Opera in Munich and  the Tonhalle Düsseldorf, among others.

Yuna Kim


Yuna Kim studied at the Robert Schumann University of Music in  Düsseldorf with Yumiko Maruyama and Paolo Giacometti. She is a winner of  international competitions such as the “Munich Piano Competition”  (2022) and “15. Corncorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale Premio  Citta’ Di Padova” (2017). She was a scholarship holder of the Richard  Wagner Foundation Leipzig (2017) and the DAAD (2020, 2021). She gives  concerts as a soloist in South Korea, Germany, Austria and Italy and  appeared at the Ruhr Piano Festival (2015), “Beethoven with us” in Bonn  (2019) and the Bayreuth Festival (2017). Since the winter semester  2022/2023 she has been a lecturer for accompaniment in the singing  department at the Robert Schumann University of Music in Düsseldorf.

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